Lines to the data centre and to the backup centre

Company data securely located in a data centre is not enough. To be able to use it, you need reliable and fast access. This is why we offer a direct fibre-optic connection to your company's headquarters or branches to your data servers located in the data centre.
This solution allows for high mobility of your office, as you do not need to build a local server room, you can always access your data and services as if they were in the same room.

The benefits of using the DtoS service are:
  • Bandwidths as for machines on the local network.
  • Data security
  • Flexibility in choice of office location
  • Ability to quickly change your business without having to relocate your own IT infrastructure
  • Stability of the solution

Thanks to Etop/, you no longer need to calculate the costs of moving your IT insfrastructure.

For more information, please contact us as contact form